Here are some great resources for saving money, whether it's coupons or fiscal management.
Embrace this as a non-stressful thing. Really, just click around and see what could work for you and your lifestyle. Since I am a stress-prone person, I have posted things that are simple, easy to incorporate, and well-suited for someone that hates staring at an overwhelming amount of text and numbers.
Most of all, I have tried to list resources that are FREE, close to FREE, and fairly reputable. There are some great alternatives out there if you want to pay more money, but these are the best for someone with no fixed income, or who just wants to save $60 a month.
Budgeting tools -->The most well-known FREE online budget creator/manager, this seriously is the best way to manage your finances. There's an app for your phone, which makes it easier to track spending. This is an absolute MUST...just check it out. At least look at the pretty graphics. Geared towards everyone. -->While geared towards women, this website has a beautiful interface and makes budgeting-dare I say it-fun. No really, it has bright colors and everything. If you are a girl, or a man who loves pretty things, check this website out. It is free as well, but you can upgrade and get more more benefits such as courses and expert advice. -->Also free to sign up, budget pulse is similar to the previous two budget tools. -->Another free online budget tool, budgetsimple has a much simpler user interface and is much easier to navigate. -->Dave Ramsey's Gazelle lite budget tool is free, and is used to get you started on creating a budget. While not a tool you can use to track your spending, it is a great way to start thinking about how you want to organize your expenditures. -->Money Trackin' is another free online budget manager. Easy to look at and simple to use.
Coupons -->This is for hardcore couponers. Don't get discouraged. Check out the "find my store" tab and see what coupons are available for where you shop.
This section will continually be updated with new, reputable sources.
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
This section will continually be updated with new, reputable sources.
Money Saving Resources
Added Jan 6, 2010,
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