Sunday, May 20, 2012

Can't Afford Tutoring?

So, you're sitting in Calculus 2, wondering how in the world you are ever going to make it through this class with higher than a C-. Trust me, been there. 

You think to yourself, "Maybe I should get a tutor." 

It is popular to go to the local joe-schmo I-will-teach-you-everything-you-need-to-scrape-by- Tutoring Center, but before shelling out $25-$75, think about hitting up these free websites first. --> Geared towards college students, this website virtually provides every general ed college course for free, online.   --> With every subject known to man covered, if you are taking gen eds, these people know what they're doing. Video guides that are color coded, you can review them over and over. --> Of course Apple's gotta put in their two cents. iTunesU (which is better to look at via iTunes) provides free educational podcasts for whatever subject you desire. 

By Nicole with No comments


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